Friday, September 13, 2013

Easy Tips To Get Through the Exams With Higher Marks in Pakistan

How to get through the exams? This is an important question which arises in the mind of every student and perhaps he also knows the answer. Examination is conducted to check the abilities and skills of the students. These days most of the students are busy in their study because their board exams are not far away. Here are few tips which will help the students to do well in exams.

Easy Tips To Get Through the Exams with Higher Marks. How to Pass the Exams in Pakistan with higher Grade Easy Tips To Get Through the Exams with Higher Marks In Pakistan Here is Guideline

1. Dear students as you know that hard work is the key to success. So the most important thing is hard work.
2. Time management is very important for studying well.
3. Always set a target to cover your syllabus. Make a proper time table and follow that. Don’t ever try to do selective study.
4. You should have your own room for study, if this is not possible then at least try to arrange an atmosphere in which you should concentrate on your study.
5. Study all the day without wasting your time in watching TV or using face book.
6. Study continuously for 35 to 40 minutes and then take a break of 10 minutes in order to freshen up your mind. After 40 minutes close your eyes, take deep breaths, and drink some juice to recharge yourself.
7. Do not study at the cost of your health. Drink lots of water while studying.
8. Eat your favorite foods so that you do not lose your energy. Have a healthy breakfast every morning during exams.
9. Avoid taking exams stress. Don’t take tension while preparing for exams.
10. Always trust on Allah Almighty and have confidence in yourself.
11. Take adequate sleep of 6 to 8 hours during night. During the day if you feel tired just sleep half an hour and not more than 1 hour.
12. Try not to involve in the family matters or discussions, in this way you will not be able to achieve your target.
13. Don’t allow anybody to disturb you, avoid talking too much, by doing this ultimately you will lose your energy.
14. Switch off your mobile phone during study. Don’t waste your precious time in study discussion with your friend.
15. A night before exams try not to ask your fellows that how much they have done because in this way you will be stressed.
16. Take good sleep before exam if you don’t sleep well then you will not feel fresh in the morning, which will affect your paper.
17. Always revise before going to exam center.

Posted By : Hasnain Arguni


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